Thursday, February 28, 2008

Update from the Exec

Hello Synergists,

We are in the throes of figuring out funding for 2008 camps for our U22 riders, putting in clothing orders, arranging casino dates, getting through membership
selection -- so much to do!

In light of this, I want to get a few points of information out there to make things clear (mostly for myself)

1. Camps:
Information I have on who's attended what camp and how much has been invoiced vs. paid have been unclear in some cases. I want to bring everyone up to speed on what I understand to date in the hopes that others will help me fill in the holes.

Camp #1 - Tucson (ABA)
attendees: Graham Courtney, Brad Knapik
fees: $950, $300 deposit paid by athlete.
Synergy will cover camp expense (approvals pending), travel expense covered by athletes pending confirmation from athletes that this is the case (Graham, I already have this from you).

Camp #2 - Victoria (ABA)
attendees: Caeli Barron, Graham Courtney
fees: $450
Synergy will cover camp and travel expense (approval pending)

Camp #3 - Penticton (NCC)
attendees: Trevor Kisell, Gina Kisell, Patrick Walsh, Derek Walsh, Elise Walsh, Brad Knapik
fees: $800
Synergy will cover camp expense (approvals pending), any additional travel expense covered by athletes.

Camp #4 - Penticton (ABA)
attendees: none to date.
If you are planning to go to this one, please let me know ASAP.

If I have missed anyone, please let me know.

2. 2008 NCCP Coaching Courses and ABA Commissaire Courses:
NCCP Level 1 Road (Edmonton, March 8/9) - will cover travel expenses
NCCP Level 2 Road (Calgary, May 10/11)
ABA Road & Track Commissaire Course (Calgary, March 15)
ABA Road & Track Commissaire Course (Edmonton, April 5) - will cover registration

If anyone is planning to attend any of these please let me know as we will be able to reimburse your registration fees.

3. Licenses:
I sent 12 license applications to Edmonton yesterday:
cp, Reid, Frank, John, Devon, Sherwood, Trevor, Gina, Patrick, Derek, Elise, Bailey.

Felix, Craig D., Craig G. already have theirs.

Brad had an application in for the Tucson camp for which I assume the ABA will invoice us, but I will find out for sure.

Caeli, Graham - did you need to do this as well prior to the Tucson or Victoria camps? Please let me know whether you have already received your license or not.

For all others, keep in mind that I need ALL your documentation (club membership and payment, ABA license application) by the end of March. Please do not delay this as you will only be making things more complicated for me than they already are.

4. For any 2007 members that know they are NOT returning for sure in 2008, also please let me know as we have a waiting list for spots unless you have already done so.


1 comment:

steph said...

hey reid and all. im sad to say i will not be returning. i had an amazing time being part of synergy and thank you all for everything. let me know if you're ever around the vic/van area.
i hope to make it back to calgary this summer some time to see you.
you are all amazing.